Author Archives: Doug
I am happy to announce the publication of my new novel EVERYWHERE BUT HERE which will be published on November 1, 2024 as a trade paperback and as an e-book. Reviewers can obtain an advance e-book copy via NetGalley. Text from the back cover: With his work selling well through distant urban galleries, the father and twice-divorced painter Robert Turghoff has created an idyllic life for himself. In the rural northern California community where he has lived for two decades, … Continue reading
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Short and Shorter is a collection of short stories I have written over the past fifty years and is available as a trade paperback and as an eBook. The book contains ten stories of varying lengths plus six examples of very short “flash” fiction. The stories are not connected so the reader is free to select and enjoy them in any order. I have donated a copy to the Humboldt County Library. Any bookstore can order the book through Ingram, … Continue reading
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Our former President is again stirring up his followers. He accuses those “racists” investigating him of being on a witch hunt. I did considerable research about witch hunts as I was writing my novel THERE CAME A CONTAGION. The “contagion” in the title refers to an eruption of mass hysteria that resulted in more than three hundred people being hunted down and murdered as witches in the Territory of Trier in the 1580s and 90s. It … Continue reading
Some people have asked me about the process of creating an audiobook. While I have helped to shepherd more than fifteen books from manuscript into print, THERE CAME A CONTAGION is my first attempt to create an audiobook. What follows is a brief description of what this newbie has learned so far. In the US, the elephant in audiobooks is Audible. Not surprisingly, Audible is owned by Amazon. You can create and sell audiobooks without Audible and apparently you can … Continue reading
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January 22, 2021 I learned today of the death of Harold Stephens, a business partner and a good and generous friend. Steve, as we all called him, died at his home in Bangkok in the company of his wife Michelle. Steve was a skilled and disciplined writer who lived the most adventurous life of anyone I ever met. And, amazingly, given his charisma, he was not a drunk, a blow-hard or an arrogant jerk, though at first, I will admit, … Continue reading
THE DINERS, a novel by Stephen Fox
The Diners, Stephen Fox’s latest novel, takes us to a Christmas dinner where nine long-time friends gather in an unnamed community in northern California. This is the seventh year the clan has met at the home of Betty Crown, a widow, and a teacher of philosophy. At the beginning, Tom Whelan, a history teacher, is not enthusiastic about yet another Christmas dinner at Betty’s. But he and his wife Sarah, another philosophy teacher, pack up their shrimp dish, grab their … Continue reading
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